Saturday, February 18, 2012

Books done

I have now finished the Help, it was really good that I finished it in 4 days straight. Right now I am reading Sarah's Key that my friend told me that she read it. So that why I decide to read Sarah's Key. For the trip I am going, I am going to take 6 books by Heather Graham- 2 book series, 3 books each with me on my trip so I can be able to finish read those books. I always read my books on the Plane.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Wow I haven't post in here for almost 2 years

wow I have almost complete forgot this book blog yikes.

I haven't read much books last year the reason of RL was taking total out of me. But I hope this year I would be able to catch up with my reading. So far since the new year begin I have finished 3 books from my shelf.

I have borrow a book from my mother, Hands Of My Father. It is story about CODA (a child of deaf adult(s)) experiencing of helping his deaf parents. It was really good book that I have finished it in one day. I have understood of the story.

I borrowed a book from my sister's mother in law, the book called The Help. I have read about 2 chapters since then.

Friday, February 5, 2010

trying to catch up with reading

I am still catching up with my book reading

I would wanted to go to Barnes and Noble to renew my membership and also Library card.
I wanted to do it before it expired so I won't be worry. I am not sure of what books I would wanted to get but there is 3 books I would get they are But I am not going to get them all at same time.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

got new books

I got new books
I am reading them

they are Rion, Captive Moon Night of the Wolves

Saturday, December 19, 2009

brought more books

I brought more books

I brought 3 movies as well 2 of them based from the books I have read and can't wait to watch whenever I am not very busy with christmas shopping. I am hopefully to set time to watch them soon without any bothersome stuff. I can't wait to watch them.
I am hopefully to buy few DVDs that I have plan to buy before but never had chance to do so.

Friday, November 27, 2009

wolves fictions

I have been buying some wolves fictions for while now and now i am on other series as well
I still on the VC Andrews books hopefully i will get them soon.

my books have already stock up now almost full on my shelf for to read.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

more books to get

I have gotten more books to stock up on my book shelf that it was almost full but still bare as it was half empty as i am still getting more books.

wolves books, mystery books and fictions about witches.