Saturday, July 26, 2008

July books

i am almost finished with my July books to read i will post when July is over in August and start again for August books to read
i have books reading to finished in August
i can't wait for July to be over so i can start on August book reading.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

new books

i got new books that i have been buying in previous months:

that i plan to read next month:

Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir
Sacred Stone by Clive Cussler
blood brothers by Nora Roberts
The Hollow by Nora Roberts

The Ilinois Road Guide to Haunted Locations by Chad Lewis
Ghost Hunter's Guide book by Troy Taylor
Spirits of the Civil War by Troy Taylor

Books that i already read that was new:

Creepy Chicago by Ursula Bielski

Friday, July 11, 2008

monthly books

May: books that i have read
1) Ghost Hunting-done
2) ghosts of the world-done
3)pet ghosts-done
4) Phantom felines-done
5) Ghosthunters-done

June: books that i have read
6) the princes in the tower-done
7) subterranean-done
8) Contest-done
9) the other boleyn girl-done
10) haunted halloween stories-done
11) ghosts of the Great Lakes-done
12) creepy chicago-done

will post july books in August and afterward after that