Saturday, August 23, 2008

Trying to finish August book list

i am trying to finish reading all the books on the August book list i have about 5 books on the list but i am sure i might finish only 2 before Sept so guess i have to finish the rest of the book from august list in Sept before i read the Sept book list oh well if i didn't finish the sept list i might have to catch them up in Oct while i am with my friend to read in evening before i go to sleep.
i get sleepy when i read my books that is good. i like when i get sleepy while reading the books.
i hope that i can be able to finish all the books on the list before Sept.

Friday, August 15, 2008

book list have changed

i have changed my book lists the lists i have in August book list have move to September list the September list have moved to August book list that i have switched. Because i wanted to read the book list that i plan to read while i am on my vacation in Minnesota so that why i switch from September list to August and August list to September.
my trip to Minnesota have change to middle September which is good that my left leg will be better by that time.
i can't wait to read the books that i wanted to read when i am in Minnesota to have peace and quiet that i really need.

Monday, August 11, 2008

few books to read

i am planning to read Bloody Brother, The Hollow, Scared Stone and Bones to Ashes soon if i go to Northern Minnesota i will read those 4 books. If I am not going to Northern Minnesota i will still plan to read the books as they are on August book list anyway.
right now i am reading Innocent Traitor it is pretty good so far.
i am planning to pick some books for October book list and i already picked some books for September list, but need to get 2 more books as i am picking books for October i will find some in my book stash for September to read.
i love to read books. I am glad that i keep the book stash low so i can buy more books heh.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

on August books

i have done with my July book list it was really long month to finish reading the books i plan to catch up and i already did catch up with my reading this summer i am glad that i have kept my planning to read this summer and of course this summer is almost over and i have read 18 books so far
So i plan to read 5 books in this month of August maybe 6 who knows
right now i am reading Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir