Wednesday, November 26, 2008

new books

i am planning to buy new books soon as i get more money

1) pagan stone by nora roberts
2) the Island by heather Graham
3) delia's crossing

i have planning to get SAD book for while now and i am sure this time will be good time to get it but i need to be careful of how many books i will get but i hope i will get as i can. maybe i can just get SAD book and one book then later i will get more books.
i plan to get delia's heart and delia's gift so i will have delia series.
i love to get ghost books if i don't find ghost books i wanted then i can go ahead buy other books for me to read.

Friday, November 21, 2008

November book list

i finished blood brother and Haunted, i am now reading The Hollow and The Seance.

here is the full List

34) footprints of God
35) Bloody Brothers-done
36) The Hollow-reading
37) Sacred Stone-reading
3) Haunted-done
4) Seance

i am not sure if i will finished it all. but i am keeping up smile as i buy more for future monthly book reading.