Saturday, December 19, 2009

brought more books

I brought more books

I brought 3 movies as well 2 of them based from the books I have read and can't wait to watch whenever I am not very busy with christmas shopping. I am hopefully to set time to watch them soon without any bothersome stuff. I can't wait to watch them.
I am hopefully to buy few DVDs that I have plan to buy before but never had chance to do so.

Friday, November 27, 2009

wolves fictions

I have been buying some wolves fictions for while now and now i am on other series as well
I still on the VC Andrews books hopefully i will get them soon.

my books have already stock up now almost full on my shelf for to read.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

more books to get

I have gotten more books to stock up on my book shelf that it was almost full but still bare as it was half empty as i am still getting more books.

wolves books, mystery books and fictions about witches.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

buying more books

I am still buying more books for my bare book shelf so i can keep read in future but i can still buy more books in future as i finish them all.

I always enjoyed books and I am glad that i learn to love books.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

werewolves books

i went to Barnes and Noble to find 2 books that i found whew, fiction stories about werewolves like in Twilight's New Moon and i brought new moon as well. It didn't matter if the werewolves appearances are different from Twilight. I am starting to collect books about werewolves. i like werewolves.
i am glad that i found books about werewolves and will get more later on.

Friday, July 3, 2009

July reading

July book reading

Spirit of the Civil war - almost finished
Area 51: Excalibur - next
Atlantis: Devil's Sea

i start reading Excalibur when my aunt gave me 3 books of twilight saga series and wanted me to read those so i did then i finished them all so now i am on July book reading list that was in June book list.
i don't mind to read twilight and i really enjoyed the books anyway.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Twilight books

It had begun of Twilight mania series for me.
my aunt gave me 3 books of the Twilight saga series she thought that i would like to read the books and she thought that i will love it and she is right i do love the books already. i already read 2 books, Twilight and New Moon. i wouldn't get both of them down it was too good to put them down and I am now reading Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Breaking Dawn is my own copy and i will get my own copies of Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse as paperback that i have Breaking Dawn in hardback. Twilight the first of series is my favorite. Bella and Edward are my favorite Twilight charaters, their love were so strong in the series.
i rented the movie, Twilight earlier this week and saw it twice before i got my own DVD copy yesterday and saw it for the 3rd time on my copy. i love it every moment and that Twilight is now my new favorite and can't wait to see the new movie New Moon coming out in November i am sure but not sure exactly. i like Robert Pattinson, he is cute but i know that i am too old for him i am old enough to be his mother as i am 14 years older than him.
I Love Twilight

Friday, June 12, 2009

books had read

Done read

School Spirits
Haunted Indiana
Pagan Stone


Spirts of the Civil War
Area 51: Excaulibur
Devil Sea

those books that i am trying to finish this month but i guess i can read more after finish this lists

Friday, May 22, 2009

trying to finish book reading

i am trying to finish 3 books before the month of may is over. i am still trying to read at night before bed so that way i would finish. i am reading Pagan Stone, Haunted Indiana, Haunted Indiana Vol.2.
if i am not finished those i quess i would have to put them beside to start on new book list to finish in June. i am hoping that i will finished 3 books before June but i doubt that i will.

Friday, May 1, 2009

April book list

i didn't read much of April book list for the reason that i was busy with the projects that i was doing that why i didn't read much of the books that was on the lists.
it was pretty short like 2 books but i hope that i can get May book list to be done as i will keep read at night before going to bed that i find it more relax to read and i do get sleepy as i read my books. I am hoping that i will finished 3 or 4 books this month.
As i have to change around that i will read the books at night now on.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

March book list

i had March book list done that i am glad

March: DONE
6) broken flower-done
7) shattered leaves-done
8) The book of Shadows-done

i am trying to finished them all
i did finished the first book of the month see on the list that i have done.

9) You Can Run but you can’t hide-done
10) School Spirits-
11) Haunted Indiana
12) pagan stone
13) The Vision
14) The Presence

i brought 3 more books
1) plague ship
2) secrets
3) lost souls

i am hoping to get 2 books Northern Lights and High Noon later.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

February book list done

i have done reading all the books that i have listed in February
i really enjoyed reading Marley and Me.

1) Footprint of God-done
2) Marley and Me-done
3) Historical Hauntings-done
4) April Shadows-done
5) Girl in the Shadows-done

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Marley and ME

I finished my book Marley and Me, oh my god it was really sad in the end but it was really good book that i wouldn't stop reading the book that i finished it in 3 days and i really enjoyed read the book that i will read it again in future not sooner but much farther that i will no know how much and i will keep it in my books keeper box. Marley and Me is the 3rd book of the year that i finished. I start 2009 book list of books to read for 2009 year. So far i have finished 3 books and now i am on my 4th book, footprints of God. 5th book will be Histical Hauntings.

Friday, January 23, 2009

New book to read

i got new book yesterday, Marley and Me and it was on sale at Target i like to buy books at Target but not all the time
i am glad that i got the book. I always have been wanted to read the book and now that i got it and am reading it now
i know i have few books that i had read but 3 of them are almost done. i am reading Marley and Me before i get to see the movie based on the book i hope the movie is good as the book.
i heard from people that the movie had sad end of course it would be as the story is about Marley of course. But i always wanted to see it since the movie came out on Christmas Day. As the movie is still in theatre. Mom and i are planning to see it and we might will have a friend of ours to join us to see the movie i am sure.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

books of the month

i have january book list of the month

1) Dangerous- as i am reading right now
2) Mysterious- i am reading it next
3 the Footprints of God- read it while waiting in ER and also almost finish
4) pagan stone

hopefully to finish all that book before January end so i can start on February book list