Friday, June 26, 2009

Twilight books

It had begun of Twilight mania series for me.
my aunt gave me 3 books of the Twilight saga series she thought that i would like to read the books and she thought that i will love it and she is right i do love the books already. i already read 2 books, Twilight and New Moon. i wouldn't get both of them down it was too good to put them down and I am now reading Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Breaking Dawn is my own copy and i will get my own copies of Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse as paperback that i have Breaking Dawn in hardback. Twilight the first of series is my favorite. Bella and Edward are my favorite Twilight charaters, their love were so strong in the series.
i rented the movie, Twilight earlier this week and saw it twice before i got my own DVD copy yesterday and saw it for the 3rd time on my copy. i love it every moment and that Twilight is now my new favorite and can't wait to see the new movie New Moon coming out in November i am sure but not sure exactly. i like Robert Pattinson, he is cute but i know that i am too old for him i am old enough to be his mother as i am 14 years older than him.
I Love Twilight

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